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Does Your Phone Need Cloud Storage?

· cloud storage,Online File Storage,Drive Storage
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'SD card Error’- reading this warning makes Reha freeze with shock. That is because she had been using the chip for a long time to store all her memories, favorite collections and work. And now, she has lost all of it forever. Not only Reha, but dependency on the SD card can harm you too, and if you want to avoid such grave situations, then pay heed to the mobile cloud storage. Let's discuss the need for the cloud storage solution -

To simplify your digital life - The flow of digital information is increasing at rapid speed, and with that, the need for more storage. Cloud expandability feature enables you to store large amounts of information at one place systematically, and access them whenever the need occurs.

To save your digital life - As we mentioned above, you can lose all your digital stuff without a warning sign, if you use your phone's internal storage or external memory card to store information. Hence, it's more practical to use the cloud storage option rather than spending extra money on inbuilt storage or buying external drives that are not even worth relying on.

To access information remotely - A Cloud storage platform enables you to access the stored information anywhere, anytime and with any device, just with internet connectivity.

To share information easily - The platform also facilitates sharing of stored information on other devices without complications.

Google Drive, UC Drive, OneDrive,, are some of the best personal cloud storage solutions or present today. But if you're looking for a particular kind of free cloud storage service, then we recommend you to go for UC browser's in-app cloud storage solution UC Drive.

It's one of the best free cloud storage solutions that offers 20 GB of free storage space to users. A user can simply get the space by signing up for it from his/ her Gmail or Facebook account within UC browser. One can further store unlimited online movies, songs, video clips, pictures, and other downloadable content in its vast storage, while browsing within UC. Also, the files are accessible at any point in time from any place, using any device over a good network, and can be shared with ease.

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